Coming in 2025

Here, a chance to not need to go searching around the World like me 🤪 as it’s all here for YOU…

It’s all INSIDE and it’s bursting to be rippled out through you and all those who come into contact with..
Alchemise suffering into surrender ✨ Re-write your life story ✨ What else?
See it as a fresh perspective, the stuff that creates multidimensional change. I share with you the juice from my recent learnings of this game of life. Expect expansion, elevation, I’m also curious to feel the expression of the growth.

Want to meet live online in a group and personally 1:1 with some juicy in between goodies. This is for those who wish to go more cosmic with the following:

Decode what is so alive in your body to alchemise pain, suffering and health challenges.

Truly learn how to work with the messages and wisdom your body gives you.

Alchemise and transmute ancestral burdens to come more into purpose and flow.

Apply your wisdom to that of nature and slowwww it all down.

Unlock your creativity, pleasure and joy of life.

Trust the unravelling of the messages you get from your body. Between now and you choosing a yes whatever starts to stir will be part of what is ready to shift. Whatever this stirs will emerge perfectly.

There will be soooo much more than words can express to be delivered so if you’re looking for a boost, a tune-up some discipline to fuel your intention then consider joining.
A concentrated experience to fuel your conscious devotion to 2025

This is going to be the most potent version of anything I’ve done before. Expect radical shifts. A small group offering just 6 spaces available.

This is for those who know it will be exactly what you need and feel that brewing excitement under the nervousness of the consideration. 

You KNOW that call 📞 
Book a free call with me if you want to find out more info ✨

✨ If you know that you’re ready to deepen your body awareness and fine tune your spiritual growth then this is for you.  ✨

Dedicating time to devote to yourself and your spiritual path.

In this exploration we use the power of the group to amplify our experience, we work together as a team to uncover what habits and patterns we have adopted to understand ourselves when listening to each other to unravel our own awareness.

Discovering what beliefs we carry that might not even be ours to carry, that which we have adopted from external sources and the illusion we’ve been fed.

Learn to unravel from, dissolve and transmute negative patterns to bring in new ways of caring for yourself with more love and self acceptance, ultimately transforming your whole experience of life.

Nature is in control and we are nature. Controlling the outcome with a protocol from the mind is what we learn to move further beyond finding what your body wants to assign to naturally.

Over the last 10 years of self discovery and working with others and a recent rebirth with the falling away of what wasn’t wishing to come any further into 2025 has left an underlying excitement of emerging back out into service to feel the growth and expansion of what’s needed. I have a backlog of magic wanting to be shared.

I’m here to bring a special experience that has already changed lives, teaching people how to connect to their natural rhythms and intuition is my speciality.

Are you longing for a deeper trust in the bigger picture of life and your mission here?
Is your body asking for this?

Old habits are unstuck and new habits are installed. Upgrade, up-level and deepen your spiritual connection to bring your awareness to the bigger picture of life here on Earth✨
More info on the when, what, where, how much COMING SOON